Saturday, May 25, 2013

Back to the Emerald Isle

Arriving in Dublin I feel at home. The streets are full of smiling seemingly familiar faces as if I had met them all before. the sun is out today, a rare sight to see in the usually rain soaked streets, almost feeling like a real summer - this unusual Irish weather is easing me into climate change from the 85+ degree weather I just left in Atlanta. I walked from the trinity bus stop to Mansion house on Dawson where mom is in meetings, to drop my bags off. I always forget how friendly and open everyone is here. a kind older woman stopped me on my way to ask where I had been (noting my bags) and continued to chat with me for the next 10 minutes from everything to skin care (noting my fair skin and asking which spf I used in the states) to the time she spent traveling through the states many years ago (remembering spaghetti junction and the heat about her time spent in Atlanta) She told me her name, Frances - saying with disgust "how very English" and then welcomed me to Dublin and wished me safe travels. All that from a perfect stranger, so very kind and eager to know everyones stories. I stored my bag and gave mom a quick hug and kiss then headed out to find coffee! I wandered around a bit then settled on the familiar and less expensive selection of Marks and Spenser's cafe. I am currently sipping on a semi decent latte and eating a bit too stale scone (though much improved with a spread of Dairygold) A far cry from the gourmet coffee I've been spoiling myself with in ATL at my local favorite Dancing Goats, but this is all I need right now - simplicity. No need for perfect rosetta latte art, or vegan/gluten-free/organic scones - just a simple warm cuppa and something to fill my belly. I always love how being in Ireland reminds me to be real, simple, and honest. I am so ready for the next 2 weeks! Well, I will be more ready after this caffeine kicks in and jet lag kicks out :)

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